"Power is out but never fear....Kuju to the rescue! Coffee tastes amazing!"
That's what our friend and customer Roland G. wrote the other day. It inspired us to go on this (positive) rant.
Roland enjoying a cup of Kuju's Bold Awakening while the electricity is out
We want to be there when you’re in a bind. When your electricity goes out. When you run out of your “normal” coffee. When you just don’t have the energy to portion, grind, portion, and pour, and the drink your coffee. When you just want something easy, convenient and still incredibly delicious. When the snow piles so high you can’t open your front door. Or you can’t see your car anymore - or your coffee machine. Or when you just don’t feel like doing anymore shoveling and want to do some cuddling instead. When you’re just, plain tired. When you need that coffee pick me up without the hassle. When it’s so cold outside that you actually like staying at home - all the time. When the grocery store just doesn’t feel like a safe place anymore. When you’re not sure if your parents have coffee at their place - or coffee you like to drink.
Sometimes wandering is more than just the epic trails and majestic mountain scenery. More often than not, we are always wandering through life, especially when things get tough. And when the snow storm comes we always hope Kuju can be there. Your warm, easy-to-brew cup of delicious coffee that helps you grapple with it all.
Friend @docforker enjoying a home camping hack while the electricity is out for an epic #KujuMoment (#KujuMoment not shown)