What does Backcountry Fuel box and Kuju Coffee have in common?
Well A LOT actually!
For starters each company is ran by a small but passionate kick ass team of only three people. Each team member of the Backcountry fuel box and Kuju Coffee knows what it takes to stay fueled in the outdoors.
It's no mystery why good coffee is needed to fuel you outdoor adventure. But, what options are light weight, high quality, and inspire you to reach the mountain tops?
Enter... Kuju Coffee! A Single serve portable high quality coffee! We stand by our moral taste buds and high quality 100% Arabica coffee beans that will let you brew quality coffee for wherever you wander ™.
But, you need more than Coffee to keep your energy going for all your epic outdoor adventures.......
If you love to hit the slopes, explore the back country, go fishing, hunting, or enjoy an occasional weekend camping trip, you know you can't settle for protein bars that taste like dirt on your adventures.
BOOM! Enters Backcountry Fuel Box.
These dudes take the guess work out of finding great tasting snacks and meals to keep you going for any extended adventure. They even have a registered, licensed dietitian on their team - so- you know you are only getting the best of the best!
Just two Small business out here exploring, loving life, and staying fueled!