The good ( and easy!) news is your accountability partner can be anyone who motivates and inspires you to achieve your dreams, ambitions, and/or goals.
We all know how hard it can be to do things we don't want to do, to change our daily habits, or to be positive 100% of the time! This is where it is helpful to have an accountability partner.
Think of it like how you have a spotter at the gym, how you have a travel buddy ( always safer to travel in groups) or even just your hiking buddy.
Same thing. As humans sometimes we need a little extra support. Some extra Love. Some tough love even.
But you are Single? Live Alone? Don't like people?
No worries, accountability partners can be anyone who is close to you, lives across the country, a family member, a co-worker, or even has four paws and a furry tail.
You choose your partner.
What makes a good accountability partner?
- Commitment
- Motivator
- Tough Love
So Who is My accountability partner?
My dog. Brinkley. Of course.
Dogs make great accountability partners. Even on days where I don't feel like getting out of bed ( because you know we all have those days!) he still holds me accountable to take him outside for a nice 3-mile walk. It's the highlight of his day and I get my steps in!
So Who is Your accountability Partner?
Whoever your accountability partner is...make sure to say thank you to them. You need them. We need them. Share the love with them.
Send them a cup of coffee - maybe even a Kuju Pour Over Coffee to inspire a #Kujumoment - we know they deserve it.
Tag and Share your accountability partner with us using the #AccountabilityChallenge #Kujumoment #AccountabilityParner