Love is in the air and it smells like Mountains and Coffee. As outdoor lovers we have our own unique way of seeing the beauty in the world, what sparks our souls and cultivates our spirits is different than a city lover ( not to say that you can't be both). But with all the changes happening in the world, all the noise, all the chaos, it is important to take time to cultivate and rejuvenate our spirits.
Rejuvenation can bring out our curiosity side that we sometimes loose track of in our everyday working lives. So if you are looking to uplift yourself, a loved one, a family member, or room mate, look beyond the adventures you can see and into the moments you never could. Dare to explore something new, to change our daily habits, to spark our inner child into laughter and curiosity of the world yet unknown.
Let's take the road trip we have been thinking about, try out that new hiking trail, take the scenic route home, and get up an hour earlier to enjoy a #kujumoment...
...a moment where you experience rejuvenation. It can be the few moments after reaching the summit where you take in the beauty around you or the moment your hot water hits the coffee grounds and the sweet aromas of fresh coffee fill your soul. It can be when the sun begins to set below the horizon or a moment of silence when you listen to the voices of the forest. This is a #KujuMoment.