On giving Tuesday, we launched #GENEROSITYCAN - a new program that invites community members to provide the gift of a cup of coffee to support small business owners who have had to shut down their businesses – permanently – as a result of COVID-19.
But why stop at one a day a year - Giving Tuesday?
Let's ring in the New Year with the attitude and actions that #GenerosityCAN make a difference and bring light and compassion into 2021. As we reflect and transition from 2020 knowing the tough times we faced and the tough road ahead, for those who have lost loved ones, businesses, and jobs there is light (and coffee) and the end of the tunnel.
IF YOU ARE A SMALL BUSINESS OWNER who had to permanently shut down your business due to COVID-19, submit your info here and per verification, we will ship you a box of Kuju pour overs.
IF YOU KNOW A SMALL BUSINESS OWNER who had to permanently shut down his/her business due to COVID-19, you can "nominate" them here. Per verification, we will ship them a box of Kuju pour overs.
We know coffee can't change the world, but #GenerosityCAN! Lets keep our spirits and curiosity high heading into the New Year! Cheers to new adventures, taking the road less traveled, and showing compassion to those who need it most.
Send someone a cup of coffee and give them a gift of a #Kujumoment.