People sometimes ask us what it means to #Take2toBrew. The short answer is it's our movement to inspire people to rest and reflect on the things that matter. You can "Take2" at home, on the bus, on a bike, at a restaurant. Or while you brew yourself a Kuju Pocket PourOver. To help, here are 5 recommendations from the KujuKIN:
1. Think a positive thought about someone you don’t like. If that takes a while, that’s ok…the positive energy you will feel and create will make the world a better place.
2. Tell yourself, “I choose to be happy.” ten times. You’ll be 10x happier by the end of it than you were when you started.
3. Think of one small thing someone did in the last 5 days that you thought was awesome. Call them. Say thank you.
4. Smile. Even if you don’t feel like it. Smiles are the seeds for world peace.
5. Nothing. Sometimes that’s simply the best medicine in a busy world.
Have suggestions or restful things you like to do when you #Take2toBrew? Send them to and we'll share them!