Your Guide to an Epic Road Trip – Kuju Coffee icon-account icon-glass
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Your Guide to an Epic Road Trip

August 12, 2020 | By Ashley Helmbreck | Adventure Tips

Road tripping is hands down my favorite way to travel- even before social distance traveling was the new normal. This may be due to a slight fear of flying, but the majority of my love for road trips comes from enjoying the scenic view of all the different landscapes our country has to offer, blasting country music with the windows down, and road trip snacks! 

Why is it that snacks taste so much better in the car? 

I’m not sure I have the answer to this question, but I do have some tips, tricks, and road trip stories to help you plan your next road trip! 

Must Haves for an Epic Road Trip Adventure: 

Mode of Transportation:

This is definitely step number one and probably the most important aspect of a road trip- I mean -come on - this is where you will be spending the majority of your time, your gonna want to make sure A) it works and runs properly so you don't break down on the side of the highway B) you're comfortable for those long hours ahead. There are a few options to consider for your road trip mode of transportation. If you are looking to explore the #Vanlife as a new beginner, I would recommend checking our Escape Camper vans for rentals and route guides.  If you are looking to use your own personal vehicle, RV, or camper/ trailer make sure its ready to go and filled with your road trip essentials! If you are in the market for a hip new trailer, my personal recommendation would be Happier Camper.



By map I more mean a sense of general direction. I think this is almost more important than the destination itself in some cases. If you are on a road trip that is covering multiple days, I always like to plan out my night stays ahead of time. This helps prevent me from over driving, getting tired at the wheel, and driving too much in the dark when visibility becomes harder. Depending on your comfort level and experience, I usually feel best driving about 10-14 hours a day. This mostly depends on if I am road tripping in the Summer or Fall and how much daylight there is in the day. 

Pit Stops:

This might feel similar to having a general sense of direction, but this is to make sure you highlight any key parks or landmarks you want to hit on your road trip. Make sure to plan ahead so you don't miss anything!

  • National Parks
  • Restaurants 
  • Beaches
  • Museums 

If you are traveling in the San Fransisco Area, check out these cool spots: Our Top 3 Weekend Road Trip Destinations in San Fransisco.


Unless you want to listen to your co-pilot sing the entire road trip, I suggest you prepare some good tunes. Back in the day, this would have been creating a mix CD of your favorite songs. Nowadays we have a range of options. I would suggest either making a road trip playlist on Spotify or investing a few bucks into satellite radio. I personally lean towards the satellite radio because I know I will never lose a signal, listen to commercial, and have something new to listen to at all times.

Safety Gear:

As mentioned in mode of transpiration , we want to always try to do all the preventive work we can on our vehicle to ensure a smooth journey. This would include a recent oil change, checking your tire pressure, and a break inspection. However, we want to be prepared for anything

Things you should always keep in your car:

  • Jumper Cables
  • Tire Pump/ Tire Jack
  • Essentials- Food, Water, & Blankets
  • Baseball bat or Hammer 
  • Flash Light
  • Phone charger - Car and home 


So, you agree? Snacks totally taste better in the car! It also allows you to have a free pass to indulge from your daily diet at home. Have some salty chips one hour, followed by a sweet candy bar, maybe a protein bar for lunch, and some trail mix as a mid day pick me up. My two favorite road trip snacks are Black Coco Chia Granola from Gr8nola and literally every flavor from Krave Jerky!

Lets Chat energy drinks - a popular road trip drink of choice to keep you alert while driving. Do yourself a favor and replace that sugary energy drink with a high quality cup of coffee. To get optimal caffeine intake try our single serve Angeles Landing roast- all you need is hot water to brew on the go! I don't recommend brewing and driving, but take advantage of one of those pit stops you pre-planned or find a scenic view on the drive to pull over a brew up a #kujumoment.

 Great Company:

For me I always feel safer traveling with a buddy. This could be a family member, my best friend, or a large group of friends all caravanning together. Prepare yourself for fun road trip games, deep conversations, and truly getting to know someone on your road trip!

However, sometimes situations arise where I need to go on a road trip alone. When this is the case, I still make sure to keep great company with my Golden retriever dog, Brinkley! He may not be able to hold a deep conversation, but he is a great listener. 

Looking for more epic road trip adventures? Check out this story from our Co-Founder Justin!: The Ultimate Coffee Road Trip

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