This article is part of HOME: YOUR NEW BASECAMP – a new Kuju Journal series providing you tips, ideas and inspiration to help you Cultivate Rejuvenation at home during this new shelter-at-home era. #ForWhereverYouWander
Moms work really hard. I think most of us know this so it’s not really useful to try to convince you, or anyone really, that this is true. But we wanted to write this article to simply convince you that because of COVID-19, moms have worked extra hard. We believe the dads have too, and really anyone who is staying home with kids these days, but this post isn’t about those people - it’s about mom - so we can politely leave those folks to the side for now.
What has mom done to be working extra hard during COVID-19? It doesn't really require that we remind you, but because Mother’s Day is around the corner we are going to. We should note a major disclaimer that we realize different moms with kids at different ages are experiencing these things, well, differently. The mom who is raising three young toddlers during shelter-at-home and still working a day job (somehow), is having a much different experience than the mom of three grown up children who are living on their own, close or far away. But all that said, here are just a very very small set of things moms working extra hard are doing these days.
Cooking, cooking, and cooking a lot more.
Why? Because all the restaurants are closed! Yes, we know mom can still go to the grocery store and order take out but the truth is everyone is cooking way more than they used to, and this includes moms. Ordering takeout isn’t as attractive as it used to be, and heck, grocery shopping is basically a supply run at this point, so cooking is what’s left. And there are probably millions of moms who are cooking two, three, or tenfold as much as they used to. Dads - we know you probably cook too, but again, this is all about showing appreciation to our moms out there. Father’s Day is in June.
What? Mom is homeschooling? Why yes of course. Because all the schools are closed! Here’s an area where we see varying types of stresses for moms. If you need to homeschool your kid on trigonometry, that’s gotta be tough, and maybe not even possible. None of us here at Kuju remember much about trigonometry, or even remember exactly what it is. If it helps us make better coffee we’ll study up though! On the other side of this, if you need to homeschool your preschooler, that’s all about the endless energy you need to keep you kid(s) occupied and engaged. It is easy to let them watch tv show after tv show but even then, listening to kid show after kid show is tough for mom. Doesn’t every mom just want peace and quiet? Homeschooling is tough, so let it be known that mother’s out there are doing it!
Staying home.
Why is this here? Well, if there are moms out there over 70 years of age, shelter-at-home has been very important. These mother’s are simply not seeing their kids as much as they’d like because they are stuck at home for the sake of their health. This might not be the same as the hard work of cooking very often and homeschooling but these are the mothers who probably deserve our attention the most. There are challenges that come with loneliness and we would venture to guess for those mothers at home by themselves during shelter-at-home, being alone is probably starting to get harder than usual around the time this article is being published...that is, April 28, 2020.
Let’s stop there. This list could go on forever but we think you get the point. So what does a cup of coffee have to do with any of this? Coffee doesn’t alleviate the amount of cooking that needs to be done. Coffee doesn’t alleviate the amount of homeschooling that has to happen or help a small toddler be continually engaged with. Coffee doesn’t help with loneliness - it doesn’t talk, hug, smile, or any of those things - at least not to our knowledge. So why coffee beside the fact that we are a coffee company talking about your mom drinking coffee?
For us at Kuju it comes down to the simple fact that while coffee can be many things - your morning pick up, your afternoon pick up, your commonality with a stranger you’re about to meet, a conversation ice breaker, or the best complement to your morning breakfast, or afternoon breakfast, or dinner, if you go for the decaf, what most critical during this stressful shelter-at-home time is that coffee can simply be a wonderful, warm, and cozy cup of comfort.
When was the last time you said you feel comfortable? It’s been a while huh?
Coffee can be the simple, accessible cup of comfort that we can’t really give in any simpler way these days. Maybe we can bake our moms a wonderful loaf of bread and drop it off if they’re close enough (more on that later this week), but coffee can be packed, easily ordered, and easily delivered - and you don’t even have to go to the grocery store (ahem* on your supply run)! It won’t spoil, it won’t die (like flowers, though we think flowers are great for moms of course), and it’s fun. You can certainly opt to buy your mom a new dress, running shoes, a picture frame, and other apparel or keepsakes, but we’re also thinking food these days is pretty nice to receive and consumer purchasing for apparel / fashion products is down for a reason.
But for all these reasons mentioned above the ultimate truth is that none of this really matters at all. Your mom deserves a good cup of coffee, because well, she’s mom.