Tina was full of anxiety.
It was only 3 months ago that she purchased her Mercedes Sprinter van. By now it was fully retrofitted for the inaugural road trip she had been planning for months. But it was only 1 month ago that everything shut down. She had been itching to go out farther than just her normal weekend hike and actually do something she had only seen so often in her Instagram feed.
What would she do now that everything was closed?
She pondered briefly as she sipped her morning coffee inside her bare studio apartment. All her money had gone toward the van. She then concluded: It's time to go.
She threw her climbing gear, some clothes, and her necessary toiletries into her trusty Kammok duffel and woke early the next morning, and jumped into her van. She drove south along the water because it just felt right to do so, until she found a rock - the kind that you just have to climb.
Van parked and sitting quietly in front of the peaceful morning waves, she hopped onto the gravel ground and for the first time since the shutdown, felt like she was home.
The deep sea air danced around her as the ocean view overtook any remnant thoughts of a shuttering economy or the job she was recently laid off from. All seemed at peace.
She opened her duffel and prepared for her first climb in months, and a new adventure began...