Journal Entry - July 12, 2020, Joanna D.
Times have been utterly unpredictable, but I’m thankful my brother and I live next to a mountain range. Otherwise, I’d really have no idea what to do. I never thought masks would become such an issue. Most people I know wear them when they’re out, but I hear some people just don’t think it’s necessary because they feel like they can’t breathe? I suppose that makes sense if you really don’t want something on your face all the time. Maybe what’s tough is we just don’t know enough people who are affected by COVID.
My friend recently posted a story that her 17 year old cousin just lost both his parents to complications from coronavirus. His mom passed May 30th and his dad passed June 30th. It seemed unreal - two parents passing within two months? I mean, it’s a Facebook post and part of you just wonders if this is really happening because these stories are just too wild. The weirdest part is simply realizing that it is true.
Anyhow, back to that mountain range. I have this place I go to when I just need some time to think, to reflect, on anything really. And last Saturday was just one of those days. I really just needed a break. And I go and sit on this tree stump and literally sit there for about 30 minutes, listening to the silence, the nature, the wind around me. When I leave I feel centered again, like I know what I’m supposed to do next, even if I can’t necessarily articulate it.