Since the beginning of Kuju Coffee, we’ve stayed close to our manufacturing processes. In fact, the very first Pocket PourOvers that were made to fulfill our Kickstarter campaign were individually hand-packed by yours truly and my co-founder (and brother), Jeff. We would measure out the exact amount of coffee to the gram, fill the filter, seal the filter, and nitrogen-flush every single pouch. It helped us ensure quality in every Pocket PourOver, but quite frankly we didn’t have the means to do it any other way.
However, we’ve come a long way. From Kickstarter to going nationwide with retail chains like REI and Academy Sports + Outdoors or our 2018 partnership with Subaru, the company has evolved, and so have our capabilities in producing Pocket PourOvers. We’ve made numerous investments into our packing and production lines, but just in the past few months, we made one of the most exciting changes.
...all Kuju Pocket PourOvers are now produced in facilities run 100% on Wind Power
As part of our commitment to sustainability and the environment, I am excited to share that all Kuju Pocket PourOvers are now produced in facilities run 100% on Wind Power. This new investment means all of our packing equipment, lights in our facility and anything else that requires electricity is run on renewable energy resources, and brings us one step closer to full sustainability.
We call it “Made with Wind Power”. Look for the icon on our packaging!
This initiative comes in addition to our membership with 1% for the Planet and our commitment to donate 1% of all sales to the National Park Foundation, as we will always strive to do right by our planet.
So next time you brew a Pocket PourOver, look for the “Made with Wind Power” icon and know that your cup of coffee not only tastes delicious, but is sustainable too.
To journeys near and far,
Justin Wiguna