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Home for the Holidays

December 09, 2020 | By Ashley Helmbreck | Stories

Heading home for the holidays? 

Maybe not this year, or maybe it looks different to accommodate for social distancing ( road tripping across country or virtual via Zoom), but I think we have all been in that situation where you are staying at a friends house, your parents house, or in-laws and your daily routine is sent into wack. 

A common travel complaint is lack of a consistent morning routine, which for most people starts with a cup of coffee. 

This holiday season, I am getting candid. My 2020 holiday! 

I made the hard decision to fly across the country during a pandemic to be with my family. Heading out before the Thanksgiving rush and planning to stay long after the New Year, I knew I was going to be hunkering down at my family’s home for the long haul. This means, I would be working full time in a new state, in a different time zone than my co-workers, and with four dogs in the house! 

I NEEDED my coffee every morning.I needed my #Kujumoment. I of course brought a few Kuju Single Serve Pour Over pouches on my travels to show off to my family members, however, my supply quickly ran out. 

Have no fear my mom said, I will get the coffee maker out of the garage for you. My mom kicked her coffee habit a few years ago, but like most parents, still keeps everything in the garage for "Just in Case". Well, the old fashioned coffee maker was a short lived idea. It was broken. I mean truly broken as every member of the family attempted to make it work. 

What did I do?

I went into the guest room, AKA my new home office, and placed an order for a 30 pack of  Basecamp Blend Kuju Single Serve Pour Over Coffee pouches.  I did so and then realized, what is our sample policy? What is our employee ordering policy? I didn't even think about it because this was an emergency

After placing my personal order, I sent my boss an email letting him know that I had to place an emergency coffee order for myself and explained the situation. It's better to ask for forgiveness than permission, right? My thinking, my boss would want me to be well caffeinated to have a productive work day, right?

RIGHT, the awesome brothers and founders responded with " this is actually a very common problem during the holidays when people are traveling".

 Moral of the story: wherever you choose to quarantine this holiday season, make sure you have an ample supply of coffee - your boss will thank you! 

Stay Safe & Well Caffeinated, 

- Ashley 

Kuju Sales & Marketing Manager 

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