Own Your Morning & Meet the World, Before it Meets You – Kuju Coffee icon-account icon-glass
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Own Your Morning & Meet the World, Before it Meets You

September 16, 2020 | By Kuju Coffee | Adventure Tips, Stories

In the morning we are all the same. Whether sleeping, just waking, or having just gotten ready, none of us are at full go, yet. And the world has not awakened enough to come yelling at your doorstep. It is the time of day that we all have in common. 

But what if that didn’t include you.  

What if, when the world was waking up, you had already been reading, drinking pour over, meditating, exercising, working, or eating breakfast...for almost an hour?

You would be different.  Your thoughts would be different, your actions would be different and the world you create around you would be different too.  You would arrive to the world before it arrives to you. You would have the space to set the agenda before the world sets it for you. You would be able to stand firm in its winds and perhaps in time, help create those winds, and determine their direction.

We've put together our top tips for owning your morning and getting ahead in a fast-paced world.

  1. Wake Before the World
  2. Don't Pick Up the Phone
  3. Move Your Body
  4. Choose the Right Pick-Me-Up


Wake before the world: 

We are by no means saying everyone needs to get up at 4 am, but waking before the world will increase your productivity, motivation, and give you all the more hours in the day. If you're looking to own your day, getting up early will set up you up for success. It may take a bit to get used to a new, earlier routine, but if you can make the switch to waking up early while feeling well-rested, you will be all that much more ready for the day.

Don't pick up the phone: 

It's natural to want to immediately reach for our phones when we wake up. We want to check our notifications, emails, and if anyone has reached out. Our advice? Leave it for an hour. Use that first hour to get out of bed, wake yourself up, and set your intentions for the day. This will boost your productivity and prevent you from being anchored to doom-scrolling beneath your sheets.


Move your body: 

Getting your body moving in the morning will help set your morning up right both physically and mentally. It will get your blood moving and put you in a better mental state for the day, boosting optimism, motivation, and your outlook on the day as a whole. Whether it's a morning yoga routine, bike ride, run, or simply walking around the block, getting your body moving is essential to making the most of your morning.

Choose the right pick-me-up: 

 Not everyone needs caffeine to truly feel awake, but for most of us...we need a little something extra to get us going. Choosing the right coffee or tea is essential to making sure you can wake up and own your morning. We recommend something that offers convenience for your morning with high-quality taste.

Explore more here to find the right roast to wake you up!


We hope these tips help and that you feel more ready to get out there, own your morning, and find your #KujuMoment.


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