It gets cold in the Fall when you're camping. Yes indeed it does! This obviously depends on what part of the country you're in. But we have two great pieces of news for you! (1) It also gets beautiful! Look at the leaves! And it just gets so darn nice and crisp in the air and maybe you just might start liking the cold. But if not, (2) Kuju's pour over coffee shall keep you cozy. It's what we're here for. Without the multi-step experience of those pour overs steps...grinding, portioning, and all, with our super simple Pocket PourOver - it's coffee in our pocket!
To convince you of this we compiled just a few of our favorite IG posts. How did we choose these? Well they all feature coffee obviously, but also have some of those exciting cozy vibes. Summer is fun, but the heat can just get unbearable. Once the crisp, made-for-coffee sipping morning arrives, you'll start to Fall back in your chair and sip away.
One of these posts says "success" (it's actually an IG story to be exact), right on top of the Bold Awakening roast which is exactly how we feel every time! And you know what's actually better than beautiful Fall camping and Kuju keeping you cozy? It's that with the cool, crisp morning air - everything you eat and drink tastes ten times better, especially your coffee in your nice enamel mug (get a free one here). So you could say Kuju will keep you EXTRA cozy!
Scroll down for some inspiration, friends! And maybe send these folks a shout out that you saw their photo on the Kuju Journal and see what they say...who knows, maybe the 4th best thing about reading this is perhaps you'll end up with a new friend, who also...loves Fall camping? And coffee?
So we have to admit this is a product shot, but we just loved it too much not to throw it in here. It just feels so, coffee-cozy doesn't it? You can check these out here. Fun fact about them - they feature a cool Kuju Artist Collaboration art piece on the inside.
There you have it! Your quick inspiration for Fall camping before it gets REALLY cold.
Have we inspired you? Tell us at @kujucoffee! Or better yet, share your #KujuMoment when you're out there and cozy.
Or, if you're already at the holidays and thinking about gift shopping, well, we can't blame you. But we are going to recommend these awesome coffee gifts.